Thursday 13 June, 2019
Another big breakfast to set us up for the day. The forecast for today was for rain on and off.

I had planned a day at the Museum. York has several great museums to visit and one of the best is the Castle Museum. I learnt something new about this museum. The original museum was the inspiration of Dr. John Kirk. Before the NHS was created Dr. Kirk would often accept donations of personal artifacts for his services. It was said that some people would hide their memorabilia so that he didn’t take it as payment.
Part of the museum is a recreated Victorian street with shops and street scenes to transport you to a bygone age. The lighting was quite dark, and we couldn\’t get good photos.
As the museum was previously the City Jail, part of the museum is the old jail with visual recordings of the inhabitants including Dick Turpin who was a highway man and was captured near York.
The museum is really well laid out and we spent over four hours wandering through all of the exhibits. We shared a soup and sandwich for lunch at the museum café.
Fortunately the rain held off in the afternoon and we were able to wander the streets of York again. This is my favorite City in England.
Shelley really enjoyed the City as well, she especially enjoyed all of the gardens big and small.
We walked around the outside of the Minster, we didn’t go inside the Minster as I object to paying to go into a church.
To maintain the historic nature of the buildings within the City any change of any historic buildings are strictly regulated. I spotted a notice for Planning Permission to replace four double electrical plugs inside of the Treasury House. Replace not add!!

At the end of another busy but great day in York we both needed to hug a bear.
This “Bear” is waiting to give you a big Hug. Missing you.
Miss you too.